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scale_length_continuous() provides a continuous scale for controlling the length aesthetic in a ggplot. This is particularly useful when working with vector plots where vector lengths are mapped to a continuous scale.


scale_length_continuous(max_range = 0.5, ...)



The maximum value to which the input is rescaled. Numeric scalar specifying the upper bound of the output range. Should be between 0 and 1.


Other arguments passed to continuous_scale().


If max_range is less than or equal to 0.5 (the default), a continuous scale object (typically of class "ScaleContinuous") mapping the length aesthetic is returned. If max_range is greater than 0.5, a list is returned with two components:

  • the continuous scale object, and

  • a theme modification (a theme object) that adjusts the legend key width based on the value of max_range.